The Best Darned Rotary Club In Lodi!
For 30 years we have been on a quest - to have fun, and server our community! If you visit one of our meetings, you will discover first hand that the Lodi Sunrise Rotary Club is a FUN group of PROFESSIONALS with the common goal of SERVICE!
If you are SERIOUSLY interested in joining Rotary, and specifically Lodi Sunrise Rotary, we ask that you take 10 minutes to read through the next 6 SLIDES that will give you an overview of Rotary as an organization. I think you will agree that being a Rotarian is a worthwhile endeavor......
You are just 6 SLIDES AWAY from changing your life (and the lives of others) as a member of the Lodi Sunrise Rotary Club!

Rotary International became the world's first service club when on February 23, 1906 - Paul P. Harris formed the Rotary Club of Chicago, Illinois. Harris had a vision to build a community-service organization that captured the same friendly spirit he had felt in the small towns of his youth.
The name "Rotary" was derived from the early practice of rotating meetings among members' offices. Today, 1.2 million Rotarians belong to some 30,000 Rotary clubs in more than 160 countries.
Lodi Sunrise Rotary Club provides much-needed community service assistance to the citizens of Lodi, California (USA) through fundraising and other activities. The club maintains a small but tightly knit group of professionals dedicated to helping improve their community. If you are interested in membership, please take a few minutes to find out more by taking a quick tour of Rotary.
The Basics of Rotary (PDF)
New Member Bulletin (PDF)
Welcome To Rotary (Short Video)